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<TITLE>Windsurfing and Puerto Rico, a great windsur destination.</TITLE>
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="This sites contains all the information you
need about windsurfing in the island of Puerto Rico. The perfect windsurf
destination. Photos, wallpaers, maps, free, Windsurfing Online Store,
Ezzy, Chinook, Nolimitz, DaKine, Point-7, Exocet, Aerotech, classifieds,travel">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="windsurfing, tabla vela, tablavela, windsurf,
sailboarding, boardsailing, sailing, surfing,Puerto Rico, playa, beach, sport,
deporte, travel, shacks, surfing, puerto rico, lessons, photos, wallpapers,
classifieds, articles, travel, destinations, maps, sports, free, weather,
links, online, store, online store, ezzy, chinook, nolimitz, dakine, point-7,
exocet, aerotech">